Quality Of Local Fish Feed For Fish Cultivation Development By Net Cage System


  • Shinta Utiya Syah Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Provinsi Riau
  • M. Subkhan Riza Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Provinsi Riau


feed conversion, fish feed, floating net cages, survival rate


In the business of fish cultivation, adequate quality and quality feed is an important factor in determining the success of the business. Feed costs can reach 60-70% of the production cost component. A good feed is a diet that contains high nutritional and protein values. This study aims to determine the quality of locally made fish food physically and chemically, and to know the growth of fish and feed conversion ratio on the cultivation of carp in floating net cages. This research uses experimental method with two treatments. the feed proximate analysis was conducted in an integrated laboratory of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences of Riau University. The results of physical test of feed on the time of sinking, to feed the factory 0.11538 seconds, while the local feed 0.1142 seconds.While based on the length of time change shape, factory feed 5 minutes, while local feed approximately 35 minutes. Chemical test results, local feed has a protein composition of 24.63%, fat 8.48%, coarse fiber 2.11% and ash 16.03%.While factory feed has 33.92% protein content, 7.62% fat, 2.32% crude fiber and ash content of 18.35%. The growth of the weight of Mas fish fed with 29.9 grams is lower than the 91.1 gram factory feed. Long growth using local feed 13.9 cm compared to 17.1 cm using factory feed. Masfish fed locally have a feed conversion ratio of 5.65 compared to 2.15 if factory feed.



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