Public Perceptions of Labels and Licensing for SME Culinary Products


  • Ismon Zakya Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Provinsi Riau
  • Rindukasih Bangun Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Provinsi Riau
  • Candra Sari Mutiara Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Provinsi Riau


perception, product innovation, label innovation, licensing


Consumer perceptions of the importance of halal information need to be known for products produced by the food industry safe to consumed both in terms of nutritional value and halal. Perception is essentially a cognitive process experienced by everyone in understanding information about the environment, both through sight and hearing. Label has an important meaning that needs to be regulated and controlled so that information about the food delivered to the community is true and not misleading. The purpose of labeling on food that is packed is so that people who buy or consume can get correct and clear information about each product packaged both regarding the origin, safety, quality, nutritional content and other information to determine whether the product contains elements that are forbidden or harmful to health. The function of the label is a form of government protection to consumers in the form of orderly implementation of a law on food and beverages or drugs and is a guarantee that the goods that have been selected are not harmful when used. PIRT (Food Industry Household) licensing is required as the safety standards referring to Government Regulation PP No.28/2004 on Food Quality and Nutrition and Decision of Head of POM RI No.HK.00.05. 5.16640. The purpose of this study was to identify and to know the public perception of halal label and product permit. The location and sample of the study were selected based on several considerations (purposive sampling), in Bengkalis, Rokan Hilir and Pekanbaru, with the number of samples of consumers from UMKM as many as 30 people. Data analysis is done descriptively. The results showed that 73% of respondents chose the complete label product that is P-IRT permit and halal label and 93% of respondents are confident with the PIRT label issued by the Health Office.



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