Management Of Medical Solid Waste In Hospital


  • Elnovrian Purnama Saghita Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Provinsi Riau


management, medical solid waste, hospital


Based on Indonesia's Health Profile in 2013, there was an increase in the number of hospitals, both public hospitals and private hospitals. Increasing the number of hospitals will increase amount of medical waste sourced from them. This study aim was to analyze the management of medical solid waste. The research method was descriptive qualitative. The data collected were Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) used in the management of medical waste, facilities used in handling medical waste, medical waste management processes from waste separation, waste collection, waste transportation, waste storage to extermination and final disposal waste. The procedure compared with the regulation Kepmenkes number 1204/2004 about Environmental Health Requirements Hospital, PP number 18 jo 85/1999 about the Management of Hazardous and Toxic Wastes (B3) and the Decree of the Head of Bapedal number 1/1995 on the Technical Procedures and Technical Requirements for Storage and Collection of B3 Wastes. The study found that the management of qualified medical solid waste was the collection of medical waste, transportation of medical waste, destruction and final disposal. The sorting and storage of medical waste is not yet eligible under applicable regulations.



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