Utilization Of Sagu Waste To Be Compostes And Handicrafts In Kepulauan Meranti Regency


  • Gevisioner Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Provinsi Riau


Sago waste, excellent product, income, community


One of the problems that arise because of the high sago productivity is the accumulation of sago waste that pollute the environment both water, land and air because the waste of good sago sago, bark, bark and leaves in general are only allowed to accumulate and not handled as possible, causing pollution . The purpose of this research activity is to optimize and difersifikasi utilization of sago waste into useful products such as compost and raw materials souvenir manufacture. The results of the analysis of several literatures related to the research objectives obtained obtained that the waste from processing sago stems can be used for making compost, planting media and souvenirs. The product from sago waste can be the superior product of the district of Kepulauan Merantis, to increase the income of the community.



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