Design Of E-Research Based On Informationtechnology For Research And Development Management


  • Arbaini Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Provinsi Riau
  • M. Fikry Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi UIN Suska Riau


e-research, research and development activity, software development


As the organizer of research and development function in Riau Provincial Government, the Agency for Research and Developmenthas yet to fully implementthe administration for research and development based on the use of information technology, i.e,.research and development database and it’s application software. The use of information technology had been instructed in Research and Development Guidance which is issued by Ministry of Home Affairs on 2016.To improve the performance of administration, the existing standard operating procedurefor research and developmentis revisedfollowing the guidance issued, then a software called e-Research Application is developed.Based on the revised standard operating procedure, a software requirement specification and design is created. An application prototype is developed using web based technology and tested using black-box technique. The application works according to its specification.



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