Evaluation Of Social Rehabilitation Program For Children In Conflict With The Law At Balai Rehabilitasi Sosial Anak Memerlukan Perlindungan Khusus (BRSAMPK) Rumbai Pekanbaru
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This study aims to evaluate the implementation of the social rehabilitation program for children in conflict with the law in BRSAMPK Rumbai. The beneficiaries of this program are children referred by LPKA (juvenile prison) to undergo the children to social rehabilitation process and returned to their families or communities. By using a qualitative approach and type evaluation, informant from this research is children with cases of sex abuse who have returned to the family and run social life in the community. The main informant is ABH who is domiciled in Pekanbaru City and Pelalawan Regency. In total 17 informants consisted of ABH, family, program implementing staff (social workers, psychologists and nurse). The results of this study indicate that based on logical model evaluation indicators, this program can be said to be successful in the implementation process, although some important notes must be of mutual concern. In the discussion chapter, there are models of handling ABH in several countries. The recommendations of this study suggest that the government needs to think of a more effective, efficient and appropriate follow-up actions to reduce the number of ABH cases in Riau Province.
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