Sustainable Management Strategy For The Lubuk Larangan Area In Pangkalan Indarung Village, Kuantan Singingi Regency
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Lubuk larangan is a certain area in the river that is given a limit by the community, not to be disturbed and the fish taken at a certain time period. One area of the Lubuk larangan that is still running in Riau Province is located in Pangkalan Indarung Village, Kuantan Singingi Regency. The purpose of this paper was to develop a sustainable management strategy for the Lubuk Larangan area in Pangkalan Indarung Village, Kuantan Singingi Regency. This research was conducted in October 2017 to March 2018. Rapfish analysis, AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) and Participatory Prospective Analysis (PPA) was used to develop a sustainable of the Lubuk Larangan management strategy. Rapfish analysis was used to determine the sustainability status of the Lubuk Larangan area based on ecological, economic, socio-cultural, technological and institutional dimensions. PPA analysis is carried out to produce sustainable scenarios for the sustainability of the Lubuk larangan area in the future. The status of the sustainability of the Lubuk Larangan area in Pangkalan Indarung Village was in the "sufficient" category with a sustainability index value of 70.75. To increase the value of the sustainability index, it was done by using Scenario-2 (Moderate), which was to improve about 50% of key attributes. In this scenario, efforts were made to improve key attributes, namely increasing the rules for the management of the Lubuk Larangan area into written customary rules, the use of types of fishing gear that are passive, increasing community income, maintaining germplasm so that an increase in local specific fish species, as well as increasing the extent of the Lubuk Larangan area. By using Scenario-2 there had been an increase in the value of the sustainability index to 75.47 so that the sustainability status of the Lubuk Larangan area was in "good" or sustainable condition.
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