The Role Of The Regional Innovation System Strengthening Program (SIDa) In Supporting Development And Innovation Policies In The Pelalawan District Government


  • Witria Witria Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Daerah Kabupaten Pelalawan


innovation, regional innovation system, pelalawan


The Regional Innovation System (SIDa) is a perspective and approach to regional development carried out by Pelalawan Regency the wording realizes highly competitive development. Regional Development Policy of Pelalawan Regency can synergize with the PSIDa as stipulated in the joint regulation of the State Minister for Research and Technology Number 03 of 2012 and the Minister of Home Affairs Number 36 of 2012 Regarding the Strengthening of the Regional Innovation System which is a reference in development planning areas to be more Innovative and Progressive. PSIDa in Pelalawan Regency has been carried out in 2 (two) periods, namely, 2012-2016 and 2017-2021. One of the important achievements in the implementation of the PSIDa Program in the Pelalawan Regency is the Declaration of the Technopolitan Area as a New Center for Economic Growth based on Palm Downstream. Infrastructure has been built in the area of the Infrastructure that will support the Center for New Economic Growth and Development and Operationalization of the Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Pelalawan Campus (ST2P) which will support Industrial Development, Research Centers and other Innovative Activities. The implementation of PSIDa in Pelalawan Regency has also led Pelalawan District to win awards at the National Level such as Champion Budhi Praja in 2017, Champion II in Innovation Government Awards in the Border Region 2018 Category and Champion I in Innovation Government Awards in Border Region in 2019 where implementation of (PSIDa) as one of the evaluation indicators of the competition.


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