The Effectiveness Of Communication In Corporate Social Responsibility Program Pertamina RU II Sungai Pakning To Bengkalis District Community


  • Anuar Rasyid Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Riau
  • Elfiyana Putri Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi, Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Riau


effectiveness, communication, corporate sosial responsibility


PT. Pertamina RU II Sungai Pakning have Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) division, which this division have programs that one of it is Kampung Gambut Berdikari program where it handled directly by Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). The purpose of this study is to know how much the effectivity of communication between Corporate Social Responsibilty (CSR) with the community in execute the Kampung Gambut Berdikari program. The concept of the study is 7C concept who put foward by Cutlip and Allen. This research was designed by using quantitative method with descriptive approaches. The population in this research were all members of “kampung gambut berdikari” programs which are amounted to 84 people. Sampling in this research using cencus or saturated sampling techniques, then all the population of 84 people were taken to be the sample. The result of this study could be know by the indikating of the biggest score with score 3,26 (Continuity and Consistency) so as the indicator of Continuity and Consistency this included in very effectif scale. Then, followed by score 3,23 (Content) that makes the content could be in effectif scale as same as Capability of Audience content and Channels of Distribution that has 3,23 average score. Credibility has 3,15 average score that makes its in effectif scale. Then 3,10 score of context that makes its in effectif scale. Last, and the lowest average score is clarity with 3,08 score which is makes its in effectif scale.Based of the result of calculating the effectiveness of communication in corporate social responsibility, a value of 3,18 is obtained. Where thuis value falls into the effective scale range (2,50-3,25).


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