Utilization Of Rucah Fish As Raw Materials Of Fish Flour Industry


  • Shinta Utiya Syah Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Provinsi Riau
  • Subkhan Riza Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Provinsi Riau


Rucah Fish, Fish Meal, Meranti Island


Rucah fish is a term used for a variety of marine fish species that are generally small in size, disliked by consumers and have no direct commercial value. To replace expensive imported fishmeal, rucah fish is processed into fish meal instead of imported fish meal. Meranti Island in 2013, the catch of rucah fish amounted to 842.40 tons, the purpose of this study is to determine the utilization of rucah fish as a byproduct of fishing in the Regency Meranti Islands and analyze the composition of fish meal derived from rucah fish according to the quality standard of fish meal. The research method used was a survey, interview and literature study .Based on these shows that 40.57 persen of the production of capture fisheries in the Meranti islands are production in the form of rucah fish. Based on the results of laboratory analysis, the rucah fish content of 55.8 percent, total volatile base nitrogen (TVB-N) 80.2 percent, 22.9 percent water content, 7.66 percent salt content, 3.35 percent fat content and ash content 19.4 percent. Based on protein content, rucah fish has the potential to be developed as raw material for the fish flour industry with SNI quality: Quality B. Meanwhile, when viewed from TVB-N, fat content and ash content of rucah fish meet the quality standards of fish meal SNI 2715 - 2013 included in the quality category A. Meanwhile, the high water content in trash fish flour is caused by the handling and processing of rucah fish flour not referring to the Indonesian National Standard SNI 2715 - 2013.


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