Communication System In Regional Development


  • Biryanto Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Provinsi Riau


communication, government, regional development, system


Regional development is a planned effort undertaken by all development actors (government, society and business) in order to achieve regional goals based on the purpose of the state. Regional development in principle, is a process consisting of three cycles of planning, execution and evaluation. To achieve this required good cooperation and synergy among all development actors. The purpose of this study is to describe the elements and environmental of the communication system in local development and explain the communication system environment in regional development. The communication system in local development has several elements, namely: human resources, policies, technologies and institutions. On systems theory, there are three levels of system-related hierarchically or multilevel namely supra-systems, systems and subsystems. The third level of the system is relative and depends on the context or events. In the discussion of the communication system in regional development at this writing, is set development communication as a supra-systems and local government communication as a subsystems. This determination is based on the focus of this study to discuss the communication in the viewpoint of the regional administration. The communication system in local development is dynamic in line with changes in other systems. Some other systems that may affect communication systems in regional development, among others, the political system, laws, culture, social, economic, governmental, and others.



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