The Association Of Motivation To The Employee Performance Of Agency For Community Empowerment And Rural Development, Province Riau


  • Daswanto Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Provinsi Riau


achievement, employee performance, motivation, power, teamwork


This study aims to determine the effect of achievement motivation, motivation to cooperate, and the power of motivation on employee performance Agency for Community Empowerment and Rural Development of Riau Province. The population in this study was employees,the sample census method was used in this study that all (80) employee as respondents.The multivariate regression was used to analyze the association of dependent variable that was employee motivation with the independent variable that was employee achievement, teamwork, and power.The study concluded that the achievement motivation, teamwork motivation, and power motivation was positive and significant associationwith employee performance. Power motivation was dominant association on employee performance of Agency for Community Empowerment and Rural Development, Province Riau.



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